Henry Schmidt
I have been composting all types of yard-waste for over 20 years using an area in my yard. What intrigued me about the HOTBIN was the fact that we could add all kinds of kitchen waste. I would have never added food-waste to my original composter, as I would have expected to attract unwanted critters to my yard. The HOTBIN’s filter, minimizes composting odors and keep’s un-wanted visitors away. I began using the HOTBIN in late fall.
It took some patience to get things heated up. However, once it started going, I was able to compost even during last winter’s coldest days. One fascinating experience with the HOTBIN occurred last winter. I came out of the house and noticed that the vent (top lid) was gone. After considering various case scenarios, I came to realize that the last time I added food waste to the HOTBIN, the outside temperature was close to 0˚F. The heat pressure must have built up too much, causing the HOTBIN to release the vent. Following the above mentioned event, my HOTBIN composter kept going on composting waste as if nothing had happened.
For me, the biggest benefit of the HOTBIN composter is the ease in accessing the resulting compost from its front-door panel. With my former cold-compost area, I had to pull everything off the top and dig to find if any change had occurred with the composting heap and be able to retrieve any compost. An additional benefit noticed by my family, is a drastic reduction in the amount of waste we put into our garbage bins each week. We are celebrating being able to reduce the size of the garbage disposal that we rent . All things considered, the HOTBIN has been a worthwhile addition for our family in many ways!
About Henry Schmidt
Henry is a financial executive of a multinational packaging corporation. He lives with his family of four near Chicago, and is a strong HOTBIN fan. Henry has a circle of friends who are also HOTBIN enthusiasts and they often compete to achieve the hottest temperature, shortest composting cycle and best quality of compost.