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Don't haul your food and garden waste. Instead, start composting at home! Food and garden waste should not be confused with general garbage, as they can be composted and recycled into nutrient-rich soil.

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Home composting can have a far greater impact than many realize. Your contribution to the environment by composting food & garden waste at home, can really go a long way!

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Compost, Environmentalists, Food waste composting, Gardening, Hot Composting, HOTBIN Composting -

I found an article that defines composting as ‘nature’s way of recycling.’ I couldn’t agree more with that definition, as nature is the power behind any method and existing composting device.

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Composting and eradicating weeds and other running and invasive plants is possible with HOTBIN. Different from a cold composter, a hot composter like HOTBIN can kill the most resilient perennial weed, as they cannot survive sustained hot composting at temperatures of 100°-140° F.

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With HOTBIN composting, the C/N ratio is different, and a strict 30:1 ratio is not required. For HOTBIN users it is more important to balance ‘easy to digest’ and ‘slow to digest’ types of waste i.e. greens (N rich) and browns (C rich), as these affect the temperature and aeration within the HOTBINs, which in turn determines the speed and efficiency of the composting process.

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