Phillip Wright from Coffee+Cardboard has finished testing HOTBIN, and at the end of 65-70 days, he is very pleased with the results.
"This is the finest compost I've ever had," commented Phillip on an Instagram post. “The HOTBIN has allowed our entire family to contribute to our composting efforts and goals. HOTBIN's clean features keep the 'dirty side of composting… out of sight’. Furthermore, its upright design makes the footprint small enough that you can keep it close to exterior doors. Being able to keep the composter nearby, makes the other bins I have further away. No one in my family will walk the food waste to the other bins, allowing everyone to add and contribute to the same pile”.
“Finally, HOTBIN's insulating qualities allows for consistent composting temperatures of 140°F, making the composting cycle shorter and allowing us to harvest a finished compost sooner. I love the HOTBIN!"
Phillip Wright