Away in Hay Manger (Stable) – Composting at Christmas
Before diving into festive dinners and composting food leftovers, let’s not forget our four-legged friends and the pet-related waste that can go into your HOTBIN this Christmas.
Pet Gifts
Some may chuckle at pet owners buying advent calendars, daily treats, or stockings for their furry friends, but the pet gift industry is no joke. In the USA, pet owners are expected to spend an average of $137 on their pets during the holidays. For many, pets are cherished family members included in gift-giving and celebrations.
What Can You Compost?
Unwanted Treats: Those goodies that didn’t impress your pet.
Cardboard Packaging: Shred outer cartons and corrugated gift boxes for your HOTBIN. If you’re unsure, recycle them locally.
Shredded carton-paper is especially useful for your bin as it absorbs excess moisture, balancing the wet waste added to your HOTBIN. Pet food leftovers can also be composted.
Hay and Chicken Poop
If your HOTBIN is running at 140°F, you can add dried hay or straw, which will break down in about 10 days. While straw is tougher to compost, mixing it with chicken poop can accelerate the process. Chicken poop acts as a natural compost accelerator, providing a heat boost to your HOTBIN.
Santa’s Reindeer Droppings and Other Pet Waste
Most composting sites recommend only composting herbivore (plant-eating) waste, due to pathogen concerns with carnivore waste. However, these issues apply primarily to cold composting, which doesn’t reach the temperatures needed to destroy pathogens.
HOTBIN’s high temperatures (104-140°F) solve this problem. Pathogens in pet waste are destroyed, making it safe to compost herbivore and even some carnivore waste. This means Santa can even compost Rudolph’s droppings in a HOTBIN!
Cat Waste and Concerns
Pelleted and Wood-Based Litter: These are compostable.
Clay-Based Litter: Materials like white zeolite won’t break down and will remain visible in the finished compost.
HOTBIN’s high temperatures kill pathogens in cat waste, but ensure the internal temperature is between 104-140°F before adding this type of waste. Use a thermometer inserted a few inches into the bin to verify.
Hygiene Reminder:
Always wear gloves when handling animal waste.
Clean surfaces that contact pet waste.
Wash your hands thoroughly afterward.
More on Pet Poop Composting with HOTBIN
Don’t have a HOTBIN yet? Click here to buy yours today and make your Christmas composting sustainable and efficient!