Boo to Landfills This Season! Compost Your Pumpkin with HOTBIN

Boo to Landfills This Season! Compost Your Pumpkin with HOTBIN

Did you know you can keep your Halloween pumpkin out of the landfill? Instead of throwing it in the trash, compost your pumpkin—and all your food and garden scraps—in a HOTBIN composter! Pumpkins decay quickly in HOTBINs, unlike cold composters where seeds may survive and sprout in your finished compost.

In 2023, the U.S. produced around 16.4 million cwt of pumpkins—almost twice the amount from 2001! With about 6 lbs. of pumpkin per person, that's a lot of Halloween pumpkins heading to landfills each year, releasing methane gas and contributing to global warming.

Let’s compost our pumpkins instead!
By composting your pumpkin scraps, you’ll help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills while creating nutrient-rich compost to improve your soil.

If you don’t have a way to compost your food and garden scraps yet, consider starting this season with a HOTBIN composter.

Learn more about recycling your food and garden waste at HOTBIN Composting.

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