All Seasons Composter Bin
HOTBIN composting in winter was featured on Carry-on Composting first series of blogs on reducing and composting Christmas waste, this month (Dec-17).
A photo of HOTBIN surrounded by snow was shown on the article suggesting that "adding a food compost bin (such as HOTBIN) to your Christmas list or buying one as a December treat," can help to extend the range of food waste that you can compost at home during the holidays.
"We have two HOTBINs at the Stokes Wood Composting Demonstration site in Leicester and use them to compost waste food from the café as well as normal garden waste. They are well insulated so ideal for winter use and it is relatively easy to maintain a compost temperature of 40-550 C provided they are fed regularly. The HOTBIN is now produced in two sizes (52 Gals. and 26 Gals). I use wood-chips as the main bulking agent but also add shredded paper to help absorb the moisture".