Last week we mentioned that adding compost in the fall was critical to supplement plant nutrients lost during summer’s growing season.
This week, I would like to go deeper on this subject by answering why it is important.
When you add compost to your garden in the fall, you are improving the structure, quality and richness of the soil and making plants resistance to the coming season. Indeed, you are feeding essential microbial life within it.
Adding compost is like giving back nutrients as recycled material (such leaves and vegetable scrap). As mentioned on previous logs, compost also enhances soil’s retention of water and nutrients which are key ingredients for attaining and maintaining healthy gardens.
Knowing how to add compost to existing plants
Adding compost to the soil is as simple as shoveling and spreading it over the surface. However, to adequately add compost to an established garden is a different story, as it involves improving soil without disturbing healthy plants. Another factor to consider when adding compost is your climate. On warmer climates you can add compost to your garden twice a year; whereas on a colder climate where the cold season starts in mid-September and ends in April, you need to add compost before the spring season. I found a great article on The Daily Gardener that I would like to recommend reading, as it gives you more useful and practical information on this topic.
Starting a composting pile during the Fall Season for Spring Gardening
Starting your composting pile in Autumn is critical, as it is that time of the year when you can find the right organic matter for your next batch of compost. The organic matter found on autumn leaves, grass and garden clippings, are known to be main nature ingredients that could be added to your fall composting pile for spring gardening. Whether you live on a warmer or cold climate, it is recommended to add compost to your soil and garden and…
Fall is the best time to start composting and have a new batch of compost ready by early spring.
More on composting and HOTBIN composting on this website.