At HOTBIN, your customer support starts the minute you get your HOTBIN. We don’t say ‘Thank You and good-bye’ as our competitor’s do. Instead, we ‘Welcome you to our HOTBIN family’.
In other words, when you buy a HOTBIN, you buy unlimited post-sales customer support. Can’t get it going? No worries, we will hold your hand until you get it going… and trust us… it will start steaming soon!
HOTBIN’s Post-Sales Support include How-To videos; Online Chat; Emails and conference phone calls when needed.
Our customer service is covered by humans, no computers or robots are used to answer your questions. Our customer support team is composed of experts in the matter. You can opt to chat online (no robots), send an email, call us, or by watching one of many instructional videos on our YouTube Channel as follows:
HOTBIN’s Collection of How to Videos at our YouTube Channel
HOTBIN YouTube channel offers a variety of online videos that covers everything from Delivery checks; Setting it up, How to start it, How to chop the waste to get it going fast; How to get it hot in 5 steps; How to crank it up in Winter; Balancing waste with shredded paper and bulking agent (mulch); more videos in between, plus Harvesting your HOTBIN Compost. - Live Chat – with a human person, no robots
- Email support –
- Phone Support – (630) 210-2041
People Buy From People They Trust...
Our customer service and quality of our HOTBIN composters are responsible for our track record performance of new sales by recommendation.
If you are truly committed to reduce the waste your household sends to landfills, and return it as rich fertilized soil to your garden… all you need is to buy a HOTBIN Composter. The HOTBIN not only comes with a few handy tools... it comes along with HOTBIN Composting Experts' Support Team at your service.
For how long? How about HOTBIN’s expected life span of 10 years… and beyond?