Master Composter Megan Brosterman shares her personal experience composting with HOTBIN on an Instagram video clip and promotes the giveaway of a HOTBIN MK2 52 gal. to enthusiastic composters.
Click to view Megan's video clip and learn more on how to participate.
As a certified Master Composter, Megan's mission is to get as many people composting as possible. The easier we can make home composting, the more people will do it and the less methane - a greenhouse gas way worse than carbon dioxide - we'll have coming from our landfills.
"HOTBIN is a super easy way to safely and quickly compost all sorts of food and garden waste - even those meaty bones and veggie scraps leftover after making a bone broth! The insulated system keeps temperatures high enough to kill pathogens while maintaining the airflow needed for aerobic (= no methane) decomposition. So cool! You know you want one - so enter the contest and tell your friends about it, too!"
Megan will be announcing the winner on September 1.