The HOTBIN Weekender #07

The HOTBIN Weekender #07

Composting in Winter
Still banging on the same topic... Contrary to popular belief, composting is a gardening activity you can (and should) do year round. Just because the temperatures dip down low, it doesn't mean you have to hang up your composting hat for the year. Winter composting is a great idea for recycling all those kitchen scraps you generate during the Holiday Season which starts with our Thanksgiving feast later this month. 

As previously mentioned, fall might be the best time to compost or start composting (if you haven't started yet). If available, collect leaves from your garden and use them in your compost pile. Add dead flowers and other plants from the summer (annuals or perennials). You don't need to use them all in the fall. If you have plenty for fall composting, save them to use later.

Once the temperature drops specially in the North & Northeast states, you may noticed that your compost pile starts to slow down its process of breaking down the material. In other parts of the nation like the South and Southwest states, the composting process may slow down or stop, if  they experience freezing temperatures for a few days. However, composting piles will continue with their composting process once temperature raises, and as long as temperatures remain above freezing (32°F).

Hot and insulated composters like HOTBIN will keep higher temperatures and will continue the composting cycle. Follow HOTBIN instructions on how to raise the inside temperature by using HOTBIN kick-start plastics bottle during winter.

Harvesting Compost in Winter
If you are composting in fall or winter with a HOTBIN, your compost harvest will be ready In January or March. Be on the HOTBIN Weekender watch, as we will cover how to collect and store these harvests for spring planting, in the coming weeks. 

Keeping Your Composting Bin HOT (Video) 
Have you been struggling to get your HOTBIN up to temperature? Click above to see our video with 5 easy steps on how to get your HOTBIN composting reading 104°F or plus in no time.

Heads-up - Recycling Your Christmas Tree in January
The holidays are everywhere by now and soon we will be promoting 'after Christmas' activities. Here is one topic that we are including this week and will repeat once we are in the middle of the season. The topic is being sure that your Christmas Tree is properly recycled once used and left on your curbside for removal.

Americans buy 30 million Christmas trees during the season, and approximately 90% of all Christmas trees (WSJ) are recycled.

Mulching is one of the most popular tree-recycling programs and a fast-growing trend in communities throughout the nation. Local providers chip and shred the trees that are left on curb-sides, make the mulch and either returned to the owner for use at home, or send the mulch to local parks and playgrounds. We suggest you contact your local waste management provider to learn what programs are available in your area.

The holiday season, Food Waste and Food Recycling
In the United States our Holiday Season officially starts on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving also marks the beginning of the season when we waste more food than usual. We can start making our contribution to climate change and the environment by composting all scraps, and saving them from going into waste bins and ultimately, our landfills. In addition to composting scraps, come with creative ways to only buying the food needed and once in your possession protect them from getting spoiled. 

Did you know?  In the USA, we toss away the equivalent of 240 million slides of bread a year? That is 1/3 of all bread made in our nation. Of the total bread made, 68% is consumed, 20% is wasted in our kitchens, and 12 % is wasted in stores.

I just read a good amount of ways to reduce food waste from unused portions on your fridge and freezer that will be sharing on future editions. Until then... Have a Great Weekend!

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