'Tis the Season for Composting with HOTBIN

'Tis the Season for Composting with HOTBIN

One of HOTBIN’s biggest fans in the USA sent me, for the second year, pictures of pumpkins in front of his yard, plus a photo and a clip (below) of the same pumpkins one week after he added them to his HOTBIN composter. 

Henry (our biggest fan) lives near Chicago (Illinois) where the temperature was 26°F when he took the video clip that shows steam coming from his Mini HOTBIN.

He tells me that the composting pile was drastically reduced just days after feeding his HOTBIN Mini with pumpkins. That is, the decomposition of the composting pile full of pumpkins and food waste, was already in process!

In Northern Illinois, residents are already experiencing the first frosts of the season and some snow. He keeps feeding his HOTBIN regularly keeping it reading over 100°F ahead of winter. --A tip for those enthusiasts that compost year round. Henry’s composting experience with HOTBIN during winter is a true testimony of HOTBIN's year round composting capabilities.

This is our second article on composting pumpkins and other food & garden scraps this season, and the importance of diverting them from our landfills to reduce greenhouse gas emissions including methane.

As we near one of our dearest holidays and traditions (Thanksgiving), we have a good opportunity to divert all family gathering's food scraps from our landfills.

The Greenblue Organization estimates that 40% of Thanksgiving celebations' food-scraps goes to waste. They remind us that when we throw food in the trash, we are also throwing away all resources used to cook them (water, gasoline, energy, labor, pesticides, land and fertilizers).

Consider gifting a composting bin to that special someone in your life this season, as your contribution to protecting our environment one family at a time. Learn about HOTBIN Composting on this site, and start composting at home today!


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