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Getting Started & Troubleshooting?

Welcome to HOTBIN composting.

Find out what's involved - Download our User and Quick Start Guides for an easy set up.

Work your way through our Check List - Get your HOTBIN up to 140°F in no time!

There are a couple of different ways to start your HOTBIN. Find out which method suits you.

Does HOTBIN is made of Expanded Polypropylene (not Styrofoam) which is used as impact protection in car bumpers and cycle helmets and is therefore much more durable than polystyrene (Styrofoam material)..

Water leaking from the mesh plate, putrid odor, 86°F but not 140°F.

Find out the how hot composting works. Keep your bacteria happy!

Find out the benefits of hot versus cold composting and how they vary.

What are the most important features when shopping for a compost bin?

Getting your HOTBIN started in Autumn and Winter. 

About HOTBIN Leachate Collection System

With HOTBIN, you do not need to turn or tumble to compost.

Yes you can! Here are some precautions to take in account.

Late Summer, Early Autumn, What is Available to Compost from your Garden?
Late summer and Early Autumn are great times of the year to find plenty of compost-able material in the garden.

HOTBIN is made of Expanded Polypropylene (not Styrofoam) which is used as impact protection in car bumpers and cycle helmets and is therefore much more durable than polystyrene (Styrofoam material).

Whatever sized container you are using to collect your waste, here is an easy way to understand the ratios and required measurements of bulking agent and shredded paper to add in addition your waste.

HOTBIN Construction Quality
What makes EPP so cool? EPP is a high-tech material that has been steadily gaining global recognition as a material of choice for high-value, safety-critical automotive and aerospace applications.

Don't know or are sure where to store your HOTBIN?
Store you HOTBIN outside... just not 'out-of-sight.' Choosing the right location to place your composter is very important. You want it to be outside but not far enough from your kitchen to be able to easily, frequently and continuously feed it with your food and garden scraps... to keep it composting.

If you do... all is good. Worms are not needed in the HOTBIN, but don’t be worried if you do find them! Red or white worms are very common in the HOTBIN and they aid the breakdown of waste into compost.