HOTBIN is Synonymous with Quick, Easy and Clean Composting

HOTBIN is Synonymous with Quick, Easy and Clean Composting

Over the years HOTBIN has received many reviews about its performance. Most reviews speak about how impressed they were to see their HOTBIN working/composting even in winter. Most reviews come from people who have been composting for years and find being able to compost cooked food scraps, compost in winter and produce rich compost in about 90 days to be one of HOTBIN’s strongest benefits.

A reviewer from Permaculture Magazine quoted: “I was cruel to my HOTBIN, and sited it in a shady narrow path conveniently by my back door. If it could get hot there and compost all year round, it could work anywhere. I mainly use it for composting kitchen waste (cooked and uncooked) and add torn newspaper to ensure I have enough bulk (carbon) and air in the mix. I have tried adding cardboard and found even this all but disappeared within a couple of weeks.”. This customer ‘s seed and potting compost supplies are now entirely home made with her HOTBIN. “I have a good layer of compost at the bottom of the bin waiting for the seed sowing season. It has composted so hot, that I know there will be no viable weed seeds in it. I will remove it before winter as the bin needs a good airflow to prevent it ‘stalling’ (going cold). Like a fire, it needs oxygen to work well.”

Megan Brosterman, a Master Composter and social media influencer from New York, describes her HOTBIN experience as “Easy to Compost and Fast! For me is that everything goes in! No more separating any food waste… and it is fast!”

"This is the finest compost I've ever had," commented Phillip Wright from Coffee+ Cardboard Org., on an Instagram post. “The HOTBIN has allowed our entire family to contribute to our composting efforts and goals. HOTBIN's clean features keep the 'dirty side of composting… out of sight.”

HOTBIN manages grass cuttings and works best when mixed with other materials. You can expect your HOTBIN to get very hot up to 140ºF.  If the HOTBIN is composting efficiently at 104 - 140ºF, you can expect no smell , no flies that can survive the heat, and a fast composting cycle.

As we enter the winter, you will need to keep the compost hot (104-140 °F). Pay particular attention to the mix of woodchips/mulch and shredded paper with kitchen waste . Pay attention to the size of all cuttings for faster results.

So if you are in the market for a new composting bin, or want to gift it to a special person in your life, visit the USA HOTBIN site at and make your purchase today.

Want to buy now and pay later? Check ShopPay options at checkout. In addition, always check our Seasonal Deals updated regularly on this site.

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