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Coffee Grounds, Compost, Food waste composting, Gardening, Hot Composting, HOTBIN Composting -

The answer is yes. Coffee grounds can be an excellent addition to your composting pile. Besides waking you up every morning, used coffee grounds can wake up your composting pile. How? Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, which provides the energy that bacteria needs to turn organic matter into compost. Coffee grounds small particle size greatly increases surface area. As more surface area is exposed, the decomposition process generates more heat, thus speeding up the composting cycle. Additionally, coffee grounds can be a safe substitute for nitrogen-rich manure in the compost pile per Cindy Wise, coordinator of the compost specialist...

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Food waste composting, Hot Composting, HOTBIN Composting -

Spring and summer are the seasons where rodents are out and about, and when sources of food are abundant. However, rats are attracted to compost bins and heaps as a source of food, shelter and as a warm dry place to nest. The following tips will minimize the risk of having rodents attracted to your composting bin: 1. Always Clean Up Keep the HOTBIN clean at all times, ensure no food waste is left around the base and surrounding area. Wipe around lid, hatch and door edges clearing any loose pieces that may create an imperfect seal. This will help...

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Food waste composting, Hot Composting, HOTBIN Composting -

Aerobic Composter Vs. Anaerobic Composter… Which One is Better?

Let’s start with the bottom line… Regardless of being hot or cold, insulated or not, bacteria needs oxygen to do its job effectively.

The Process

This fact makes aerobic composters more efficient, as they provide oxygen to the composting process, shortening the composting cycle and producing compost much faster than an anaerobic composter. Furthermore, and for the same reason, an aerobic container can take more types of food scrap that are not compostable in an anaerobic composter.

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Food waste composting, Hot Composting, HOTBIN Composting, Winter composting -

One customer offers her unscripted opinion on the excessive food-waste many of us are experiencing now that families are spending more time eating at home. In the era of covid-19 we are finding ourselves in the confines of our home offices with more time on our hands to do things we never got to, and notice things that were never visible to our busy eyes. One of the first things I noticed, was an increase in the amount of household kitchen waste being generated, and the need for more garbage bags, more walks to our garbage bins and the need for a...

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Food waste composting, Hot Composting, HOTBIN Composting, Winter composting -

HOTBIN... an ALL SEASONS Composter Bin. A picture of a HOTBIN composter surrounded by snow, was shown this week on Carry-on Composting Blog. The post suggested that "adding a food compost bin (such as HOTBIN) to  your Christmas list or buying one as a December treat," can help to extend the range of food waste that you can compost at home during the holidays.

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