Compost More

    Send less to landfill! HOTBIN reaches 104°F, letting you compost more, like cooked food, small bones, and weeds that cold heaps can’t handle - All year round!

  • Speed

    30-90 Days

    Naturally reaching hot composting temperatures of 104-140°F, HOTBIN super-cooks waste for fast and efficient aerobic composting, ready in as little as 30-90 days!

  • skill level

    Super Easy

    You DON’T need to be a master composter or have any gardening experience to use a HOTBIN! Effortlessly recycle your waste into rich compost at home - no turning or tumbling required.

  • guarantee

    3 Years

    Your HOTBIN comes with a 3-year manufacturer’s guarantee covering the material of the HOTBIN. All accessories are guaranteed for a period of 12 months.

HOTBIN Explained in 90 Seconds

Kick-start your composting this year, when by Hot Composting with HOTBIN, it's 32 times faster than traditional cold composting.

The easy to HOTBINs are compact and occupy roughly the same space as a garbage-bin. Steaming away at up to 140°F the HOTBIN speeds up your food and garden waste recycling, producing compost in as little as 30-90 days.

What People Are Saying About Their HOTBIN's

HOTBIN's clean features keep the dirty side of composting… out of sight. Its the finest compost I've ever had! Read

Phillip Wright, Coffee+Cardboard

Lexington, S.C.

“The best part for me is that everything goes in! No more separating any food waste… and it is fast!” Read more

Megan Brosterman, Master Composter

Lodi, New York

Able to Compost Even During Winter's Coldest Days... Drastically Reduces Waste Added to Our Weekly Garbage. Read More

Henry Schmidt

Glen Ellyn, Illinois

The Benefits of the HOTBIN on our Garden is Evident. No expense in buying fertilizer, less waste in landfills, and beautiful plants. Read more

Lou Simon

Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Can I harvest compost in a teeny tiny yard? Yes, I can, with my odorless HOTBIN Composter conveniently located at the entrance of my house. Read More

Brianna O

Boonton, New Jersey

At 104°F plus HOTBIN composts much more than before…

Cooked Food (Any Leftovers)

Compost cooked food waste including meat, fish and any plate scrapings or left overs.

Weeds (Sterilise Seeds)

Temperatures at 104°F plus are high enough to compost weeds and their seeds, so they don't germinate in the finished compost.

Bones (Yes! Even Bones)

At temperatures between 104-140°F there is no reason
why you can’t add items like chicken bones (bury them in the top layer).

Pet Waste (Kills Pathogens)

High temperatures and the length of time away from the animal host's gut is enough to destroy pathogens.

Get the answers to the most popular composting concerns.

Is Composting Messy?

The HOTBIN is a sealed unit to keep your space clean, it has a solid base and secure hinged lid to lock in the heat.

Will Composting Attract Rats?

No compost bin is 100% rat proof, vermin are always a concern when composting. The HOTBIN has been designed to minimise the attraction of vermin. There are also extra steps you can take to reduce the risk further.

Is Composting Time Consuming?

HOTBIN makes composting quick and easy, the user-friendly design means no experience is needed.

Composting Is Complicated, right?

HOTBIN simplifies compost management, so you enjoy the benefits without the stress. Add a mix of chopped waste regularly with shredded paper and wood chips and it's tough to go wrong.

Start Composting

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How does HOTBIN work?

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